Tron Watch 2022/2023 Plus WDWRR!

Eisner would have had it done by now twice lol

It took him what 2 1/2 years to build Typhoon lagoon…

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I would like to request late January to Mid -February for AP previews please. I do not want to clash with spring breaks :rofl:


Hearing that WDW is going to announce March previews and early April opening of Tron…Can anyone confirm?


I read that this morning too but I think it was clearly labeled a rumor.


I think we can expect an official announcement from mgmt any day now

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I thought the announcement is usually focused on the date and previews?

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I just opened Twitter and this was at the top of my feed


Yeah I wouldn’t be shocked if they had the official announcement within the next couple of days

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I thought they announced with the dates for the preview sign ups? If the previews are in March, December seems early?

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Not necessarily. They announced in March that Remy was opening Oct1.


I wonder if this rumor is coming from the same place as Len’s tip. I posted this 25 days ago on Halloween.


Am I the only one trying guesstimate room reservations for the previews?

My logic may be fuzzy due to lack of caffeine-

If the rumor is April- Than open for Easter crowds…

GotG previews went a little over a month out-

Press first week than CMs, APs & DVC

Our only possible access is AP or DVC
APs got a lot of dates vs DVC with GOTG - when Remi previewed DVC had more dates but required resort reservations to book…

Thinking it’s a safe bet for starting reservations with decent a decent cancellation policy-

Or am I jumping the gun to quick

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I think it might be a little early to predict…but I recall reading a post here some time back that outlined sort of the “exact” likely timings for an opening with all the previews and such. So there may be some historical data to better judge.

You could try booking some APRs across multiple likely dates, and modify them as more certainty becomes available.


Yeah that’s the thing- for previews both Remi and GotG didn’t require APR reservations and booking APR as a passholder has limits…I would essentially be blocking myself out of bopping in until mid March which is why I was thinking *room first *

And as discussed in other threads APR may be going out the window anyway…

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Oh. I was focused on the AP, and so was thinking APR…but right…with a room… actually not sure! You would need a date based ticket. Does having a room allow you to use your AP without taking up your normal APRs?

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Yup- a onsite room doesn’t count for the limits APR in WDW- and than comes from the resort guests “pool/bucket” vs standard AP reservations bucket…

( just a note DLR DOES count room reservations for Key holders against the limits! )

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I wish we could approximate which week AP previews will happen …as then I would book a flight while prices are decent. They will no doubt go up for the month of March due to spring break.


Okay. I am posting this “Rumor” knowing full well the lack of reliability of the source but it jives with what we know about the progress of the train. I haven’t posted any new pictures lately since there’s no changes.

From the pics I have seen the only work left to complete that affects the train track is landscaping near the new walkway crossing


I updated the title of this thread to acknowledge that we are no longer solely focused on Tron. :rofl:

And also that it’s going to be completed in 2023.


I just built a rest/ride into my MK day in January… Fantasyland to Frontierland, so we get to go through the construction.