Tron and GotG BG grace periods

Couldn’t find a recent update on this topic. It sounds like GotG will still let you tap in anytime after your BG is called. But is Tron still being strict, like you only have 1 hour after your BG is called, or you’ll be turned away?

I plan on using BG1 for Tron in the morning, but because BG1 is so good, I just need to know whether I really have to be there first thing when I get an early Tron BG

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GotG: return any time after your BG is called
Tron: Return within 1hr59 after your BG is called.

The app will say “return by X:00.” Tron gives you about an hour after that time as a grace period.


Another point: if you are late due to an ADR, CMs have accepted a receipt as proof and that’s basically the only excuse that has been proven to work.


We used my DW’s Marathon medal as an excuse :rofl:. It worked.


We used a Run Disney medal as reason for being 6+ hours late to a SDD LL :rofl: (we completely forgot we booked it at 7 am …and did not realize until we left the park, but returned later that day) …that’s what happens when you wake up at 3 am :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This is an area of interest to me becauae Magic Kingdom is on day 6 of our trip. 6 days 6 parks. We anticipate aiming for a little later morning than the 730 rope drop for early entry.
Especially since extra evening hours go til 1am. Id love to get Tron at night… Or at least later in the day but… How do I best strategize for that?

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I 100% recommend getting an ILL if you want to ride at night. There is no guarantee of a short wait with a BG any time other than the first ~45 minutes Tron is open (first BG is usually called at 8:45am on a 8:30am Early Entry day).

However, the next best option for you is to use the 6pm VQ for Extra Evening Hours. You need to have tapped into the park that day and you will need to be quick with your fingers because evening BGs go fast (though usually not as fast as the 7am queue). You could also try your hand at the 1pm VQ but your return window could be before sunset.


We rode Tron last week. I wanted to ride at night as well. I used the 1PM VQ and waited for about 45 seconds before clicking. We got boarding group 130 if memory serves, and our return time was called at 7:15. Fireworks were at 8PM, so we asked a CM how late we could return, and they said we could go back anytime before park close. We ended up going back at 9:10 and rode then. Not sure if that always works, but it worked for us.

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That is interesting - I have never heard of a CM saying this. The official return window would be 7:15-8:15pm. The grace period (green taps) would be 59 minutes or until 9:14pm. I’m assuming the park closed at 11pm, so the CM was giving you 2 extra hours beyond the grace period … but you still arrived within the grace period so who knows if the CM at the entrance would have stopped you.

This deserves more testing. :thinking:


we did get green taps, but as you noted we were within the hour. (The CM was working rider swap at Tron, and warned that one of their biggest rushes is right after fireworks, so I don’t know if they give a little extra flexibility to try to spread out the rush, but that is pure speculation.)

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It’s one VQ per day, right? I feel like that would be risky counting on 6pm VQ and if we don’t snag it we are out of luck then. Probably best then to just try and if we ride during the day it’s better than not at all.

Would the 6pm VQ be for bewteen 11-1am? We are sorta counting on that time to hopefully get a couple standby rides in. It’s gonna be a super busy day next Wed so we are hoping for two or three at most that late.


Who’s gonna be the guinea pig :hamster:? :rofl:

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One per day during regular hours. Plus one more for the deluxe resort Extra Evening Hours if you’re staying Deluxe or DVC.

It would be for only during those late EEH. The ones from 7:00 am or 1:00 pm must be used (scanned into Tron) before the regular park closing time.


Oh in that case definitely use the 1pm VQ. But wait a bit before applying so you don’t get one of the first batch of BGs. It’s usually open for 30 minutes and sometimes for multiple hours, so less pressure at 1pm.

Like I said before, ILL is worth it if it’s in the budget.

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There have definitely been several instances recently of people who have been 2 hours + late for Tron and been allowed to ride.

Crucially perhaps, they all rode by mid afternoon.

I wouldn’t bank on it but it does seem like they are slowly relaxing the policy, at least for during the day.


It might get called shortly before EEH start. When we got one for GOTG, we were called and off the ride just as EEH was getting started.

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Ok. I think will try for an EEH VQ but hopefully that doesn’t eat up too much of that two hours!! Thanks for all of the advice everyone!