Transportation for Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue

I’m seeing conflicting information regarding transportation for Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue.

The Disney website says:

TouringPlans says:

So which is correct? Can I get to my resort (Pop Century) after the show ends using the buses?


There is no direct route.

Take your resort bus to MK and then boat to Ft Wilderness. The boat to Ft Wilderness is just past the MK boat from TTC and to the left. Pioneer Hall is ~200 yards straight up the path way from the boat dock once you get to Ft Wilderness.

Do the trip in reverse on the way back…


Personally, I’d just do a Minnie Van. Yes, it costs about $40+. However, at the end of the night, it’s money well spent. It’s a pain to get to HDDR & back. You’ll be full of food and beer/wine then have to navigate multiple stops.

Just consider the ride share part of your budget to go to the show.


The theme park busses to/from FW are at the front of the resort. HDDR is all the way at the back of the resort. There is an internal bus that will go from front to back, but it will also stop at various spots along FW each way.

As @darkmite2 said, the ferry from MK will go to the dock right by the restaurant. So you can use that


Do the Minnie Vans pick up at the Hall? Or do you have to go to the front of FW? Our last trip we Lyfted from the front but I would have splurged for a Minnie Van if it saved that trip from the Hall to the front where ride share is.
The line for the boat to MK was crazy long.


Yes you can.

But there may not be a direct bus back.

I have been to the last showing of the night and there were buses doing resort loops direct from FW.

However at other times they might take you to MK where you then take your resort bus back from there.

You also have the option to take the boat to MK.

You won’t be stranded without being able to get back, it just might not be a door to door service.


They pick up from very close to the Hall.


Excellent advice.


I took a Minnie Van in June from Boardwalk. There were storms and boats were not running. The Minnie Van dropped us off closer to the horse stables (across the street from the bus stop) but it was close.

Edited: I just check my credit card. It was $47.34.

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Just my opinion: I think this wording is confusing and wasn’t intended to mean there are buses the take you directly from Ft W to other Disney resort hotels. The TP crew definitely knows that is not the case. I think they just meant there is a way to get between resorts via bus (which you can theoretically do with multiple transfers).

That said, if someone at TP sees this, they may want to update that verbiage to something more clear.


There have been buses to other Disney resorts after the last show. Is that not still true?


I was just going to come post this counterpoint to my above post - someone asked the panel about whether there were “still” resort buses available after the show to take guests back to their resorts. So that seems to indicate it used to happen. But the panel says it’s no longer the case.


There were none at the end of July. We were told to take the boat to MK and catch the Pop bus there or bus to the front and go to one of the parks or Disney Springs and bus to Pop from there.
Since the line for the boats were very long, w bused to the front and got an Uber. We were at the last show.
They really need a bigger dock and more boats with Lakeshore Lodge coming.


I will have a rental car, but I really don’t want to drive so I can enjoy the included adult beverages. :grin:


The busses mentioned after the show definitely ran before covid.

The boat system still isn’t running as it did before covid.

This is a close-up of the Fort Wilderness campground focusing on the Settlement area.

Pioneer Hall is at 12. The internal bus stop is at A. It’s my understanding that Minnie vans are allowed at the Settlement internal bus stop. The other end of the internal bus route is the Outpost bus stop. Busses to parks and Disney Springs are at the Outpost bus stop. This is where rideshare vehicles would drop off or pick up.

If the boats are running from the marina - 11 on the map - you can go to Magic Kingdom (left side of the boat dock) and get a Pop bus there.


It always surprises me that people recommend Minnie Vans. They are expensive in a trip that is already expensive enough.

We have always relied entirely on free transportation at Disney. As long as boats are running, they can take you from near Pioneer Hall to MK to grab a bus back to your resort. If there aren’t buses running, you take the internal bus to the front of FW, then bus over to MK.

Minnie Van is an option…but I can’t ever see choosing to pay for it unless there is no other option.

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Until just very recently we also relied exclusively on Disney busses. I especially liked Epcot as an easy way to transfer from one resort bus to another.

But very recently it’s been easier to rideshare. Possibly it’s a stamina thing. Or maybe it’s like Cinderella and her coach and 4 - except in our case it’s closer to 10 pm than midnight.


You can also do a regular ride share from the front parking lot. You can take any internal bus to the front and there are usually plenty running.


I would bus to Epcot or Hollywood. I feel it’s closer to the resort where going to MK via bus is in the opposite direction.

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Good point. It would depend on which resort you are staying at.