We have an ADR at Kona for breakfast at 7:55. We are staying at Beach Club. What is the best way to get over there? Also if we go the cab route do we need to bring car seats for the kids?
From what I understand, in Florida you do not need car seats in for-hire cars. The usual safety laws do not apply.
So, a cab would be fastest. But, aside from that, I’d take a bus to MK, then hop on the monorail to the Poly. Pretty fun!
If there was a convenient way to get to the Ticket & Transportation center, you could walk to the Poly from there. But, I don’t think there really is.
According to t-wiz, car should take you about 16 minutes, bus to mk then monorail 41 minutes.
What about using Uber? I know it’s cheaper, and I know @Niter drives for it.
Thanks, I was thinking Uber but we are a party of 7. I don’t think the buses start running until an hour before opening, so I don’t think the bus to MK will work
Since there are 7 of you, check with guest services at the Beach Club. Tell them where and when you need to go. I’m sure they’ll help you hire an appropriate vehicle to get you there. Lots of cab companies have minivan type cars.
Definitely go with the cab. You should have no issues at that time of day, but to be safe you can call in advance (I think bell services handles this) and they will have a cab waiting for you.