Trader Sams Party of 4

Looking for a reservation for 4 to Trader Sam’s, our travel dates are Aug 7 - Aug 11. Is this something you can help with?

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I tried to book this for 5 people when it opened up for reservations. This one alluded me, everything else was fine!

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Have you tried the reservation finder? I’ve had good luck with that.

I tried to get an ADR for 4 people for my June arrival day right when ADRs opened and I’m fairly sure that no slots were ever offered (I tried for several hours before ADRs opened as I live in a time zone 7hrs ahead). A few seconds after opening time, I switched over from 4 people and tried for 2 people and a few slots were still available (for times I did not want), and then disappeared quickly. Every other restaurant had good availability for a few minutes and I had no problem making any other ADR (it felt much less competitive than the WDW ADR experience!)

I set a dining alert (for both Trader Sam’s and also for the Fantasmic dining packages as they had not yet been released on my ADR day). Never got a notification for either, though I quickly heard about the release of dining packages both here in the forum and on DLR chat, so I got exactly what I wanted for that one.

On DLR chat, I asked about Trader Sam’s and was advised that the best way of getting a spot for 4 was through walk-up (asking for an indoor table) around opening time. We didn’t try that in the end and decided to go for Goofy’s Kitchen on arrival night instead (which was great).

Good luck!