TP email about changes...changed?

I received an email telling me that there were changes to one of the days of our trip. But…it actually doesn’t list what changed…only what it actually is.

Is this a change? I thought the emails in the past would explicitly highlight what the change was, which was nice to know. From what I can tell, I’m not sure anything actually changed.


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Weird. I got this one on Friday.


Those look like standard hours too in your pic.

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Yeah. That is how I’m used to seeing emails showing updates.

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I recently received my final tracked day update for out late August trip. None of them highlighted any changes. They all updated from “projected” to officially released park times. The result was slightly shorter park hours for the trip but it’s likely they could get extended in the future.

The funny thing was the day after my last tracked day email I received and email from TP asking my how my trip was.