Touring Plans Reservation Finder

I really just wanted to say how pleased I have been with the Reservation Finder. Virtual high five to Touring Plans!

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love it too thanks!!!

I am intruiged, what exactly is the reservation finder? I am new to TP and have hopefully managed to arrange for our room request fax to be sent requesting the rooms we like the look of, but I hadn’t seen anything about a reservation finder?


^ Joeyanna1973 - it is the BEST thing EVER!
So out on your dashboard ( when you are logged in - scroll down. On the bottom right - there is an area - DINING with a link to WDW DINING RESERVATIONS

Basically - you put in the date(s) and restaurants and times (either specific or ranges) and it will search for open reservations for you. Once you find one you like, you click on it and it will automatically take you to your MY MAGIC EXPERIENCE and you make your reservations. MUCH MUCH MUCH easier than using disney’s site. You do have to set up your MY MAGIC first for it all to work. It is slick!!

wow, sounds brilliant, thanks