We are making touring plans, but what concerns me is that they are basing on 6/10 crowds. We are going april 19th-23 week after easter. I’m hearing those crowds will be more like 8 or 9/10. Will Touring Plans ever adjust there opinion or do I hope there right?
From what I have been told, TP is pretty accurate. That even if one ride says 5 minute wait, but ends up being 15, the ride that said 20 will be 10 and it will balance itself out. I have not personally used it, as this will be my first time, so it’ll be interesting to see…but I definitely intend to re-evaluate it all a few days before I go (though I do it occasionally anyway) to compensate for any changes.
I am also going that week @jimmyk79.
About 1-2 weeks ago, they reduced the CL from 7 to 6. I think this means they have much better information now. I also have a hunch that since Easter is so late this year, that many colleges and schools will have their “spring breaks” in March/Early April and Easter won’t be as crowded as I had originally anticipated.
It looks like March 29th is the last day that MK is offering EMH until 1am… so I think that tells us something. I know it can be changed between now and then, but I think this is a good sign that late April will not be 9/10!
Here’s hoping the crowd levels go down even further!!
We have used TP twice in the last 4 months (don’t ask) In October TP’s were spot on with their crowd levels. January, they were WAY under in their predictions. My advice is to download the Lines App and adjust your plans when you get off schedule - having said that, that takes time and effort