Touring plan for skyliner entrance with Remy's Adventure

My family is planning a Dec trip to WDW with a room booked at CBR. We are planning to take the skyliner over to Epcot and are excited to ride Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure. Can I have some advice for a touring plan for that day? I know I should rope drop Remy’s, but then what? Zoom over to Frozen or Test Track? What should be my tier 1 FP? My husband and I have a 10 year old and a 6 year old who can go non-stop all day. Character meets are not our thing. We are hoping to book Garden Grill for lunch and Space 220 for dinner(assuming they’re on the DDP). Any advice is appreciated!

Welcome to the forums!

Have you tried creating a personalized touring plan and optimizing it? It will advise you on which rides you should try to get FP’s for (although, really, you should get the FPs for rides you and your family want the most) as well as when to go where (don’t forget to refresh the plan as your dates get closer).

Most of all - have fun planning!

I did, but none of the touring plans I found include the skyliner or Remy’s. Perhaps they are too new? Granted Remy’s doesn’t even exist yet, lol.

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The skyliner isn’t a ride, it’s a transportation option, which is why it’s not on the touring plans. Those using the skyliner to get to Epcot will enter at the International Gateway, so select that as your entrance (the touring plan will ask which entrance you plan to use).

Remy’s likely isn’t on there because there hasn’t been an official opening date for it yet, but what I would do is alter your start time to account for RD’ing it – so schedule your “arrival time” as 9:30am (assuming park open is 9am, and you’ll have to wait a wee bit in line at Remy’s) and then add Remy’s when it becomes available. Since France is very close to the International Gateway, your touring plan should be pretty accurate even without Remy’s.

Hope that helps!

Edited to add: You should do a personalized touring plan (maybe you already are, but from your response it sounds like you are just looking at the pre-made plans?) as it will better encompass what your family personally wants to do.


I know the skyliner isn’t a ride (but it does look like a lot of fun!) but I did not know that you were able to select your entrance area as the International Gateway so thank you for that! And no, I have not made a personal touring plan other than my own on google sheets. I will try the official one too, thank you for your responses!


The personal plans are amazing! If you like spreadsheets, I suspect you’ll love playing with personal plans.


I think it is great fun (love checking out the resorts as we whiz by) but my afraid-of-heights mom sorely disagrees! lol

Might Remy open at 11 along with the rest of WS? When will it open?
I think there are still a lot of unknowns about Remy so try to build out a touring plan without it to get a sense of where to go.
And welcome to the forum! Ask away!!

I highly doubt Remy will open at 11. Frozen still opens at 9 every morning (well… except for this one).


Yeah, I don’t think so either. But, well, we don’t know for sure…

My Epcot day is supposed to be 6/3 and Remy is an option in TP.

Technically correct. Technically, neither is the monorail, but it’s cool and I always make a point of riding it. I can’t imagine I’m alone. The skyliner lets you do a flyover of a large swath of Disney World, and you don’t even need a park ticket. So even if it is technically classified and intended as transportation, it’s also definitely an attraction. Just like it’s older sibling.

For whatever it’s worth, I’m actually a big fan of the Friendship boats, too. Buses are the only part of the transportation system I don’t ride for fun. If anybody knows how to make a bus ride entertaining, please let Disney know.

We rode it a few time in early Feb. It was a relaxing form of transportation for evening park visits.

Just make sure you know in advance if it will be open early enough for your liking at rope drop.

Hi folks!

We’ve already got a plan created for when Remy opens. It definitely includes starting at Epcot’s International Gateway entrance. I’ll see if we can make it available publicly here in a little bit. (It’s already in the Unofficial Guide 2020, so it’s not a secret or anything.)