Tomorrow is the day....Thank you!

After a non-stop month of planning, tomorrow is finally the day. Thank you to everyone who put up with me and answer a bunch of my questions. Can’t wait!!!


You’re soooo welcome!!! I’m stoked for you!! Don’t hesitate to reach out with “real time” questions if you need any help!! I hope it’s an Epic trip!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What do you think you are the most excited to see or do???


My family is Harry Potter and Minions uber-fans. So looking forward to Hagrids and yummy treats from Minion Cafe. :slight_smile:


Minion Cafe is good, but not great. However, IMHO - if you LOVE peanut butter then Otto’s Pet Rock is a “must have”

If you can, really, try to go to Diagon Alley in USF before Hogsmeade/Hagrid’s in IOA. Hogsmeade is fine & the castle is great. However, overall Hogsmeade is just OK for décor when compared to DA.

I’ve been to Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. Diagon Alley, IMHO, is far superior. (Both designed by the same people too!)


Superior to Galaxy Edge!!! Whoa!!!

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I think it is hard to compare the two, honestly. They both have aspects of them that outdoes one other. They both pull off a certain level of authenticity…although, I would say Galaxy’s Edge has…well…the edge on that one. Can’t go wrong with either.

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In my defense, I “like” Star Wars, but I “love” HP.

We can both agree on this for sure!!

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Letting a person who hasn’t seen much of what Diagon Alley is stumble through the entrance and behold it all is magical.


That moment is what made me a die hard HP fan. I had read all the books & enjoyed them.

Then I, literally, walked into the story! I was blown away!



I would say the one major weak point of Diagon Alley is the dragon. Kinda wish it wasn’t there. But that first foray into DA IS magical. So many details to take in that even though we have been multiple times, I still find myself noticing new things.

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Wow! I have never seen that take. To me, the dragon is the icing on the cake of the incredibly immersive experience that is Diagon Alley!


To me, the land feels immersive EXCEPT the dragon. The dragon, which should be kinetic, is motionless and reminds me that it is a prop. The only thing kinetic about it is the flamethrower action every ten minutes, which causes people to camp out and block the pathway…further adding to removing kinetic-ness. If this were ACTUALLY Diagon Alley, folks wouldn’t just be stopped (nor looking up at a motionless dragon). They would be bustling about.

The dragon is a photo op that reminds me I am in a theme park. Destroys the magic.