To trip report or not to trip report

The plan is always that… just a plan. By the time we are actually there it is burned into my brain and we are able to adjust on the fly to take advantage of magical opportunities! :fairy:


My umbrella set it off so I just carry it in my hand now and they always give me the nod


I write lots of internal tech doc at work and I take a 1000 screen shots. That a whole a picture speaks 1000 words! I love this kind of explanation.

Edit: I have been doing all of mine so far. Sometimes I forget but this time so far so good.


I was looking at submitted wait times this morning and saw yours @gingerSnaps543222!


I really love when you optimize it knows where you are starting from now. I think the upgrades are nice.


I’ll catch up reading feedback when we get paused again. I’ll prioritize posting when I can first!

Still trying to figure out picture taking on my new iPhone. (Like I ever knew how to properly take pictures on my old one! :sweat_smile:)


This little guy was hanging out in the Pírate Potty. A CM was spritzing him with water to keep him moist. :heart:

:white_check_mark: Snack #1

We did it! Waffle from Sleep Hollow and ice cream from Sunshine Tree. You can only do this between 10am (when Sunshine Tree opens) and 11am (when Sleepy Hollow stops selling the fruit waffle). Definitely easily doable now that both have MO.

DH had the MO for Sunshine Tree and I had the one for Sleepy Hollow so we could split and regroup. We do NOT recommend this as the ice cream starts melting immediately. Go get the waffle first, then the ice cream. But it was still delish.

Ye Olde Christmas Seating was already occupied so we circled to one of the tables around back. One of the calvacades went by and I tried to send the kids to go see it but they were more interested in the waffle.

:white_check_mark: BTMR (spent that whole queue setting up more MO)

In line for Splash. CM are still reminding people to mask on the regular where required. I’d say 50% have them on regardless (in outside queues before we get to the CM reminder point). We’re pretty easily able to buffer the twins (when my crew remembers). But, yeah, no one is paying attention to the ground markers outside. Including my crew when I don’t remind them. :roll_eyes:


Yes, I’ve noticed that with lines. Social Distancing in lines is over. Masks in lines is good but very few people wearing them in walkways (including me cuz I don’t like them in the heat. I feel like I’m breathing my own sweat evaporation.).


Yeah, I think the wait time submissions may be beyond my multi-tasking abilities. Between checking my TP (which changed quite a bit after last week’s update), MOs, managing physical distancing, general momming, and posting here, I’ve about wiped out my bandwidth! :sweat_smile:


Yes you’re a big group. I’m currently two people and sometimes four, not teeny tinys to watch, strollers to park, yada yada.


I’ve decided I’ll keep them on wherever I have the twins wearing theirs. Just to be supportive/aware of their discomfort and also to put other parents in a similar situation at ease if possible.

I’m trying not to think about the cumulative amount of time they’re racking up within 6’ of improperly masked people.

Who are these people thinking it’s ok to “excuse me” cutting up through the queue line with their masks under their noses?!?


I’m so glad we’re out of the stroller stage. But now it’s a wheelchair to park! :laughing:


It got to me in Oct but I guess I’ve worked really hard and I can only do me.


Just to clarify, I’m talking about the people literally cutting up through the line to catch up with their party. So they are practically (or literally!) brushing up against us.


At this point one would think social etiquette would dictate a mask… just to be respectful :zipper_mouth_face:


Yes as my SIL told me once when someone said they could never wear shoes like mine (five fingers) most people are wrapped up in themselves and not very thoughtful


I’m genuinely curious why this is percieved as not thoughtful?
Because I could easily see myself saying that, but not coming from a mean place. I’ve heard those shoes are great for some people, but the sensation of having material between my toes would drive me crazy. So it wouldn’t be from a place of making fun, but actually one of respect that it doesn’t bother you.
Now if they said it meaning that they were ugly, then yeah that would be thoughtless.


I think it sort of implies there is something off with @gingerSnaps543222 to be able to wear something “like that” even if that wasn’t how it was intended?

I mean like thinking strictly about themselves for whatever reason and not that what they are saying could be construed as rude. Exactly what you are saying. People don’t mean to be rude. They just aren’t thinking beyond themselves.

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Right that’s how I took it but not what was intended. I’m saying that’s sorta like the people walking thru the lines. They just aren’t thinking about what they are doing and how it’s rude but they don’t mean to be


The biggest problem I’ve had is little kids getting so close I wack them with my backpack when I turn or shift weight to my other foot. Parents should keep their kids from getting that close. I know it’s not easy so I don’t say anything. I’d say the queues are crowded like pre covid