TIcket Calculator OTC click through link not working

The touring plans ticket calculator click through link to the OTC is not working today. It’s not giving the price quoted. It did yesterday. Can someone help me? Is there someone at TP I can email?

I called OTC and they had no idea what I was talking about.

@len I hope it’s the right thing to put you on here. Who can I talk to?

I have been looking at ticket prices for a couple of days trying to crunch numbers and I went on today to finally purchase the tickets and they are different prices than they were yesterday. Also, they are different prices than the ticket calculator is coming up with. I called to ask why and the woman at THE OFFICIAL TICKET CENTER said that they just raised the prices today. “They are getting ready for the price increase at Disney” is what she told me. I think it is kind of crazy for them to raise the prices before a rumored price increase.

That is interesting….so they are not the cheapest. Thanks for the info @mamasheats

We’re looking in to this. Actually got a call from OTC who said they’d honored our incorrect prices. It should be resolved today.