Tiana opening this summer

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Representation matters! :yellow_heart:


But itā€™s also not the first mention Iā€™ve heard of a Saturday in Juneā€¦ Isnā€™t Saturday a traditionally slower day on MK? Wonder if there is any actual pattern of a particular day Disney does these type of thingsā€¦

LA 23 (Highway 23) is the main highway from New Orleans down to the marshy side of the Bayou. It follows the Mississippi River. While itā€™s swampish on that side- thatā€™s the side I fish on and itā€™s definitely more marsh than bayou. You go west for Bayou.
But if you take that as LA 123 it just makes no sense. Not really bayou/ swamp. More farm lands.
Now, there is an actual address of 52872 Hwy 23ā€¦ in West Point a la Hache, LA (kinda a locally know town for fishing. Also has one of the ferries that will get you across the Mississippi River down there since there are no more bridges).

Coincidentally, when I was 20 my car broke down at the x. We went across the ferry and were on our way back home. Apparently youā€™re suposed to change oil in a car or you can throw a rod or two :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


Len seems to think it will be mid June.


I feel thatā€¦


This is very interesting!

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I donā€™t know if it means anything at all. But looking at the license plate the LA 23 jumped out at me as being a highway. And around here the addresses on the rural highways are often 5 digits. And Iā€™m fairly familiar with LA 23. And it certainly fits the ā€œbayouā€ theme. Now the address could just be a coincidence but when I googled it I found it soooo close to where I had to call a tow truck decades ago (back then it was $150 to tow me halfway home to my uncles house, lol).
And the ferry isnā€™t far from there to take you across the river. Not sure if that even fits but water and all :woman_shrugging: why not throw it out there, lol


I missed that you put it in as am address. :woman_facepalming:

Thatā€™s even cooler!


@drvillarejos that makes sense too with local knowledge. I hope one day we find out exactly what the meaning behind it is with all the different theories!


Ok your theory is fun!

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We could all be reading too much into it too and maybe I just went down a rabbit hole :crazy_face::rabbit2::hole:

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Funny will be when it is revealed that it is just the Birthday of an Imagineerā€™s significant otherā€¦


Very real possibility it a birthday, lol. Could it be Tianaā€™s? How old is she suposed to be in TBAs world? Sheā€™s be DHs age almost exactly. So- 52?


These look amazing!!



I came here to post the same. They are incredible!


If you havenā€™t done it yet I highly recommend watching this

Itā€™s where all this news is coming from. Itā€™s really cool!


More characters, frogs!!


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Some podcast I recently listened to said they think the license plate is the opening dates for WDW and DL- 5/28 and 7/2 respectfully. That makes sense too. Also, a little less obscure than my hypothesis :joy:


I love that they are sharing it from the Imagineering perspective. I had never seen the original bird. :face_holding_back_tears:

Louis was just incredible. It is making me thinking about Frozen and the first time I rode it. We were in the front of the boat and came around the corner where Olafā€™s look of joy at seeing us made me and Ryan gasp.

Maggie was telling me that she cannot wait for this ride. I am so excited that it should be open for our visit! I have plans.

(Also bring those adorable droids to WDW!)


We put together a theory that LA is 23 - the year the Disney Brotherā€™s Studio opened, 72 - the year the woman who voices Tiana was born and 5-28 was the date Disneylandā€™s Mine Train Through Natureā€™s Wonderland opened - that was the ride where all the animatronics for Splash came from - and some of them will still be in TBA!