So, I’m wondering about how to handle parking, particularly on arrival days, departure days, and “split stay” days.
Arrival day: If we arrive to the Disney area in the morning hours, but our room isn’t ready until 4:00 pm, say, can we still drive to the resort area and park our car? Will they let us in early even if we haven’t yet checked in?
Departure day: How long can your vehicle stay on the resort property on departure day? Again, if we check-out by 11:00 am, but don’t plan to leave the area (stay in the parks) until closer to evening, can the car stay put? Or will we have to move our car to the park lot?
Split stay day: This is the day when we would check out of one resort, and switch to another. It is sort of a mixture of the two. Ideally, I’d like to check out of the first resort, and then go park our car in the second resort lot so that it is there and ready to go when it comes time to actually check in. This way, we can depend on Disney transportation. So, since our plan would be check out of BWV and then that even check into Contemporary, it would be ideal if we could check out of BWV, move our car to the Contemporary lot and then hop on the monorail to Epcot (or MK) and return later via the monorail for official check in.
The alternative is to keep moving the car. That is, check out and move car to Epcot lot. Then later, leave Epcot via car to Contemporary.