The drug known as "Disney"

hello my name is Denise. .

I am a Disney addict and have no thoughts of stopping.


No no I get that and that’s also a reason there wasnt a ton of photos on the first day nor Do i video tape rides because someone’s already done it and with better equipment I have so better to live in the moment.

My “disappointment” is that it was so fast and unexpected that I had no time to prepare for it. Mom doesn’t light up often and it was pretty amazing to see.


This is me exactly!

I came back from my trip in August, dutifully wrote my trip report, and hung around a bit to answer questions based on my recent experience. Then I disappeared.

Then at the start of the year, I came back here to poke around and that was the beginning of the downward spiral. I decided to plan a little trip for fun to satisfy my Disney planning fix. A few days became a week. Then I added my parents because they need to experience the Disney magic and the excitement of my kids too, right? Then a week became 9 days because MVT’s rates are so great, right?

So here I am with a 9 day trip planned for August that includes my parents and my sister! The tricky part for me is that I live in Europe, so I also need to pull off a trip “home” to visit family or I look crazy. That means two weeks away, BUT I just started a new job and really have no idea if I can take off then. Fingers crossed it happens!

In any case, I blame all of you for making this forum so helpful, informative and fun!


Why not? After all, someone has to give you your fix.


If Disney is a drug, then @OBNurseNH is a pusher. She preys on the weak, e.g. me. By posting photos of the Wild Africa Trek, she’s been responsible for at least three (?) of us changing our plans to fit it in.

God help us if she ever stays at Galaxy’s Edge. We’ll all be mortgaging our grandparents to pay for a trip.


Ooh! I never thought of that!!!


You are also a pusher! When I visited the forum again, I thought, “well, if @profmatt can plan another trip after his once in a lifetime trip, then I can too!”


Missing you by a year. We will be there the first week of December 2019 :wink:

I’m a teacher. And the teacher’s mantra is: “Do as I say, not as I do.”



Just one hit. That’s all.

Then you’re hooked.


We feel the same way! My husband and I think it’s because the more often we go, the more we can slow down and take it all in. It doesn’t become a frenzied, try-to-fit-everything-in trip. We know we can hit anything we miss on the next one. It has really allowed us to not only enjoy the parks more, but also enjoy the resorts more.


I go every month or two. Usually with my daughter, sometimes the whole family. It’s carefree. I love being outside, I love watching the shows, I love the attention I can give my daughter. I love saying, “What ya wanna do next?!” I love the food. I love the possibility of magical moments. No house to clean. No food to cook. Downside is… yep, like all addictions, it’s running me broke and yet I continue. :woman_shrugging:t3: