Tell me about Mobile Order on CL 9-10 days

Unavoidable that we are going week before Easter. We want to minimize time spent waiting for food or at TS meals. We will have some ADRs (book next week), but I’d like to have 1-2 mobile order enabled QS options at each park. We’ll visit Epcot, MK, and HS. No AK. Any tips and tricks for super crowded days to help get the food we want and not wait forever? Thanks!


Order way early and pick the return time you want.


I got lucky on a couple of orders. As long as the time isn’t too far away, go order. You can change the “return time” after the order is placed. When we were at Lucky Fortune Cookery in San Fansoskyo Square in DCA, the return time was an hour. But I kept hitting “Modify return time.” Once it pushed be ahead by 15 minutes. Then I found one that said “Now - 12:45” and clicked on it instantly.

So we got our food while the people we were standing in line with were still in line.

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We were there over Christmas. Put our lunch orders in between 9 and 9:30 for 11:00 pickup and were able to walk right up to the restaurants and get our food in a couple of minutes. Used the time waiting for shows to start to make the orders.


The only place I had trouble was Woodys Lunchbox over Christmas break. Everything else I could get rerun times within 30 minutes. Epcot doesn’t have many mobile order spots.


That’s a good tip. Thanks!

Hopefully we can plan an hour or 2 ahead as @paulasc suggests and then with this option be in good shape for most places.