Yikes! I just looked at the online calendar and realized that there’s a MNSSHP on Friday October 3rd. I was planning on going to the parks Monday - Friday, but it looks to me like we won’t be able to see F! if we do that. Is that correct?
Hi @Nana2011. LOL. I feel guilty every time I post in Chat with something that isn’t related to being in the park!
Well, I called and I was able to change my arrival date to Saturday the 27th so we’ll be able to see F! on Sunday. I’m going to leave a day earlier because it’s better for my budget and my Dkiddos go to their father’s for 2 nights starting Sunday morning. I’ve noticed that my DS doesn’t do very well when he comes home one day and goes to his dad’s the next. Driving home on Friday will give him 2 nights in his own bed instead of one. I will repeat that to myself every time I’m tempted to add that extra night. Wish me luck!
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