Star Wars Movie Recommendation for Newbie

Ep III is way too dark and disturbing! I haven’t let my 9 year old watch it yet. The only one she isn’t allowed to see.

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There’s a reason he’s only known for being in Star Wars

Fair point. Episode I is probably best for kids. Episode III is possibly my favorite of the entire saga (Rogue One and Empire Strikes Back keep jockeying with III for first).

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He’s excellent as the voice of the Joker though.

Nope. He’s known for his plethora of voice work. One look at his IMDB page will show he’s in a ton of stuff.

Yeah. Not the same as having a huge on-screen library of hits, like his Star War co-star, Harrison Ford.
Everyone at least knows he was Indiana Jones. Not everyone knows Mark did voice work. If I didn’t see what was mentioned above, I had no idea he did voice work.

Not sure why you’re implying voice acting is inferior to onscreen acting. The fact that you had no idea is arguably a testament to the opposite (after all, isn’t the purpose of acting is to have the actor “disappear” and let the character shine?). Acting is acting.

Additionally, so what if Harrison has more onscreen rolls? Maybe Mark chose to shy away after Star Wars? Maybe he was typecasted unlike Harrison who already had an established career. Maybe it was total luck of the draw. Samuel L. Jackson has been in many on screen rolls and he hasn’t acted since… uh… Jurassic Park?

Because people need to see the face to remember the actor. Look at James Earl Jones. Voices Darth Vader and nobody remembers him. :grin:

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We started DD5 on A New Hope. FWIW, Episode 7 is rated 12 over here, I thought it safest to start with the original trilogy. One thing though - it’s over two hours long which I don’t think I ever realized. She did sit through the whole thing and loved it, but then again she does have a weird Stormtrooper crush thing going on… :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I would say just to get familiar with Star Wars I would watch episodes 4, 1, and 7. But episode 4 is a must in any human education.


My point is, the general population doesn’t know what Mark has done outside of Star Wars. I’ll use IMDB as per your suggestion.



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My wife still has not seen (and won’t see) Episode 4 (or any other Star Wars movie). No one is perfect …

She needs an intervention!

I’m just kidding don’t get upset or get Matt’s red pencil.

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I would tend to agree with this. I guess if you had to pick just one of them I’d have to say 4 based on the fact that it is just a classic. It set the tone and the groundwork for ALL of Star Wars so you can’t go wrong. And there’s a good chance it will make you want to watch the others as well.

While it isn’t my favorite movie, 1 isn’t a bad one to watch before going to WDW due to the podracers and introducing another part of the timeline.

And I could definitely make a strong argument for watching 7 if you just want to watch 1 solely to prep for Disney World. It does a nice job of standing on its own, it will introduce you to the “current” cast from the timeframe of Launch Bay/Galaxy’s Edge and show you a few of the classic characters.

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Don’t forget Corvette Summer.

What about the holiday special? Or the ewok movie? :wink:


bahahahahaha. :smiley: :smiley: The only thing good about that movie was the Corvette!

Yes yes it was. :smiley:

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which one? There were 2. :slight_smile:

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Is it me or do Jawas and Ewoks sound way to similar?