Stalking DVC site worked!

I bought into DVC in July. At the time I already had a cash reservation for early January 2022 4 nights for a theme park view 2 bedroom at BLT which was ridiculously expensive. When I joined DVC I found two out of the four nights I needed. I then stalked everyday and in October I found the first two nights of my trip open at a 2 bedroom Boulder Ridge. So I cancelled my cash reservation with the intention of doing a split stay with my points - 2 nights at Boulder Ridge and 2 at BLT. In November the first two nights opened up at BLT but a lake view. I figured ok I’ll switch to lake view and then I won’t have to change resorts but will still have to change rooms. Finally this afternoon the first two nights opened with a theme park view. Hooray I have 4 nights in the same room! Although it’s showing January 3 to 5 2 bedroom theme park view and January 5 to 7 2 bedroom theme park view. It looks like two separate reservations. How do I combine this into one continuous January 3-7 reservation? Do I need to call or can I do this myself?


You can call or try chat to have the two reservations merged. Congrats!


Thank you! Super excited I got one continuous stay.