Split Stay Luggage Transfers

Just a heads up for those not renting a car & doing a split stay.

I recently had a split stay between Pop Century & Coronado Springs, asked about luggage transfers & got differing responses.

  1. One person told me to have the luggage down to them no later than 8am to get to the next resort by 11am.
  2. Another person told me that the luggage would be picked up by noon & at the next resort by 3pm check-in.
  3. Finally spoke with a manager & was told that they do not start picking luggage up at the resorts until after 3pm & not to expect the luggage until “sometime” late evening.

Since I was not getting an accurate answer & as I would need several things in my luggage before I went to sleep that night, I decided to just order a Lyft & take them over there myself. Was able to check-in and store everything at CSR until my room in Gran Destino was ready.

Have another split stay coming up later this year & will do the same thing of ordering a Lyft, bringing everything to the new resort, then I know it’s there for when the new room is ready.


That sounds super frustrating.

I know others in the Forum have reported deliveries in the late afternoon, but I had a split stay in November between ASMu and AKL, where I dropped the bag off at 6.30am and when I checked into AKL at 11.30am it was already there. It may be a matter of luck as to which transfer leaves at which time/to which other resorts, and it makes sense that they can’t guarantee it before a certain time: but they should at least be clear about what that time is so that people can plan!

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I definitely never plan to see my bags until very late afternoon/early evening

But, like you I have found I prefer being in control of my destiny and so I move them myself most of the time.

If you don’t have a car and don’t want to move them before your park day, you can always store them at the resort you’re checking out of and return there to collect them and Lyft to your next resort.

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The logistics of the luggage transfers must be pretty intricate. I assume they collect from all resorts, take them to a central location where they get sorted and sent out again.

We’ve always been told not to expect them until after 5pm.

We had one occasion where our bags weren’t collected from Kidani, and it was after midnight before they were tracked down, albeit we didn’t get to our new room until after 9pm. The manager at Bay Lake drove over to collect them for us.

The rest of the time it’s been fine.

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We ran into difficulties both times we tried having Disney move our luggage. Probably should have bought lottery tickets then.

Both times luggage was copiously tagged. One time was early - like 8 am - while the other time was 10 am.

Neither time were we informed at pick up that luggage is picked up after 4 pm. The first time we were moving to SSR, and bell services there told us about the after 4 pm pick up. They also told us that we needed to be in the room to receive our luggage. There wasn’t any dropping it there while we were eating supper.

The second time it took a couple hours to find our luggage at our moved to resort. The person who found it said it hadn’t been “put in the right place”.

We’ve done split stay transfers our past 2 trips and the luggage has arrived. I never expected it until late afternoon when room should be ready tho.

We are transferring again this trip for last night bc we extended our trip by a day due to flights and Disney math. But this thread has me concerned that when we get to CSR for last night (planning around 7 pm) we might run into problems. Hmmmm

The miscommunication/varying responses came from Pop Century. I started my vacation there, then transferred over to Gran Destino Tower 1/2 through the trip.

As I was getting varying answers to this process, decided to just pack everything the night before, then got up very early, checked out & was at Gran Destino by 6:30am (quick ride from Pop to CSR). Check in was a breeze, they stored everything & was at the park for early entry. As I didn’t want to be bringing medicine & my laptop around the parks with me, it was easier to transfer them myself & know everything was there when I went back later to check in

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This is the way.

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