Sunday. That’s the only time I think we’re all (mostly) committing to being in the same place at the same time.
Updated original post to include Great Movie Escape with @darkmite2 see his post if you are interested in joining.
I have a confirmed ride to the airport at 4:30 am on November 30 to make my 7 am flight!
I have successfully gotten and set up both my and DH’s prescriptions/pills for up to when I get back home . If you take lots of pills and/or have been following my trials of medication procurement you will appreciate how much this lessens my stress!
May have minor itinerary changes that I will update in the original post.
I don’t know that I will be doing a solo TR. Whatever I do I will do it here with a title change. Probably post pics here and maybe in some group thread if that happens. I have a lot to experience and need time to process. Thank you to everyone that has been supportive and helpful.
So I’m going to mostly post in the communal thread to help @Shmebulock out a bit. If something major happens that I want to report on, I’ll post here so I’m not going to change the title.
You’re awesome
So much fun! Met so many people. No TR as promised but once I decide on some favorite pictures, I will post them here.
Also, so many TRs along with other regular threads this may take a bit before I feel ready to do it.