Skyliner Maintenance fallout

I will be touring Epcot during the week of 1/16-1/22/24. WDW is reporting that the Skyliner will not be in service due to maintenance that week. How should that effect rope drop strategy? Can I risk doing Frozen prior to hitting Ratatoullie?


Welcome. You could Uber from your resort to Boardwalk. RD Ratatouille and LL Frozen.

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I would do whichever is your higher priority, but i don’t think the Skyliner situation will necessarily alter the crowd pattern. Ratatouille will still by slightly more popular at RD than FEA, and if you are there early enough, you can do Remy > FEA within early entry or just a bit more.

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Eh. Be careful with this. Without an ADR at BW (or BC or YC) you may not be allowed past the gate, even in an Uber/Lyft.

Have an early breakfast?


People have had better luck Ubering to Swan or Dolphin. They don’t seem to be as stingy letting guests in who don’t have a reservation.


Not that this helps OP but it’s silly for BW because the BW is advertised as a destination and has places to eat like Big River Grille that you don’t need a reservation for. And the nightclubs but I suppose I could see them limiting hours.


I suspect – but I’m not sure – that BWI would be more lenient for those coming in the afternoon or evening. I think they are more restrictive during the RD timeframe. But then again, I know Flavia was turned away from GF at night when she was trying to get to Enchanted Rose. :man_shrugging:


you don’t think that ‘no skyliner’ will reduce the numbers from IG?

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You still have three resorts full of people who can walk there, and others who might bus to HS and walk over.

It might make a small divot but not a big pit


It takes out Skyliner access from Pop, AoA, Riv and CB. That’s 6700 rooms of the 11726 rooms that are in reasonable walking distance of skyliner access/ IG entrance. I would think IG entrance will decrease at least by 20-30%, if not more.


This is probably true but I think about those displaced to Epcot main entrance will still head to Remy first regardless, so I don’t think the order of operation should change if you want to do both Remy and FEA.


It also means if you manage to snag IG entrance at EE RD during the Skyliner downtime you will be just slightly ahead of the pack than if it was in operation.
I haven’t stood in the Remy standby queue. But whichever is nicer would be my RD pick with an LL to the other.

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This seems to be true. @tiggerpal was held back at the Epcot main entrance until EE started I think, so she was behind those of us who RDed from IG.


Just to be clear, this is the question I’m answering though:

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Right. I agree that if standby Remy and FEA are on the table, it’s not worth the risk. Hit Remy first.

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Data points:
I’ve Ubered from the Swan portico multiple times in August and this week and they do not care at all as far as I can tell. Non-stop ubering happening every time I’m down there.


But this was for full parking. With the Poly construction they are super limiting parking, but nightime Uber are fine.


Oh that’s good to know.

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Yeah - I thought we were going to get walked up closer and we were definitely not. The number of people we saw walking toward us when we finally got let go was a lot. Oh well. Still got to ride with some of the group!


YMMV, and this is just one person’s experience, but we just mobile-ordered coffee and bagels from the BoardWalk Deli last Thursday. The guard at the gate just waved us through. Didn’t even ask to look at my phone. We rope-dropped Ratatouille with all the early entry people and were only in line for maybe 8 or 9 minutes.