Skyliner and Jollywood Nights

So, I did some digging and it appears that the Skyliner stays open for 90 minutes after park close but it is for normal hours and not the ticketed time. So, I am guessing the normal park hours are at 8:00P so Skyliner is done at 9:30P? Can anyone confirm this?

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Last year partygoers were disappointed that indeed Skyliner was not available after the party.


I guess I should also ask about the MVMCP situation. I am assuming the monorail stops before the party ends. I know I have run into that before with some extended hours in the past. I wonder how long Minnie Van service runs? 12:30P? Later for late night events? Inquiring minds…

Well, I am disappointed for them too. That kind of stinks but I get it. As long as you can know in advance I don’t mind. It is the misinformation that gets ya.

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Pretty sure all transport runs after MVMCP: monorail runs, and buses ride, and boats
float IIRC

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Interesting. We are staying at Pop Century this time so we probably would do Minnie Van route.

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We were at pop last year and yup no skyliner at the end of jollywood. But the bus was very quick. It’s just a long walk cuz it’s at the very end.

We also did MVMCP and Bus was again relatively speedy.

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