So, I did some digging and it appears that the Skyliner stays open for 90 minutes after park close but it is for normal hours and not the ticketed time. So, I am guessing the normal park hours are at 8:00P so Skyliner is done at 9:30P? Can anyone confirm this?
Last year partygoers were disappointed that indeed Skyliner was not available after the party.
I guess I should also ask about the MVMCP situation. I am assuming the monorail stops before the party ends. I know I have run into that before with some extended hours in the past. I wonder how long Minnie Van service runs? 12:30P? Later for late night events? Inquiring minds…
Well, I am disappointed for them too. That kind of stinks but I get it. As long as you can know in advance I don’t mind. It is the misinformation that gets ya.
Pretty sure all transport runs after MVMCP: monorail runs, and buses ride, and boats
float IIRC
Interesting. We are staying at Pop Century this time so we probably would do Minnie Van route.
We were at pop last year and yup no skyliner at the end of jollywood. But the bus was very quick. It’s just a long walk cuz it’s at the very end.
We also did MVMCP and Bus was again relatively speedy.