Set Touring Plan Needed?

We are heading to Universal for 2 days on Friday and Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. When the crowd projections went to 8-9 for both parks, both days, we decided to stay at the Royal Pacific and get the 2 day park to park tickets with Express Unlimited. What kind of Touring Plans do we really need with the EU passes? I’m used to detailed plans when we go to Disney, but I’m just not sure to what detail we really need to have for this trip. Any advice?

With express passes you don’t really need to plan at all. You might want to know what time the shows will be. Minions is best done early in the day even with Express pass, it has a very low capacity so the line builds quickly and stays long all day.

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Although TPs are really not necessary with Express Pass, I still would make them in order to make sure that I have a realistic plan for each day.

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I always still do despite my advice above, I’m glad I’m not the only one as the general wisdom is not to bother! Though I do really enjoy making plans.


Thanks for the replies! We do plan to do the full queue on a few of the rides where I’ve read you miss some good stuff - Kong, the Harry Potter rides come to mind. We’ll probably try to go to some of these early before the lines get too long and then randomly hit the other attractions with the passes.

I’ve never done the Harry Potter lines - we always single rider. I have done the Kong line and it’s definitely not unskippable, I’d use the Express pass to skip it in a heartbeat.

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I think you can easily skip the Kong line and every time I rode Gringotts, we didn’t miss any of the important stuff, so we always use the EP line. Forbidden Journey, however, you do miss a lot in the EP line.

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