How long would it take to get appies & milk shakes at Sci Fi? Is it possible to do it as a pretty quick stop?
The day we’ll be there is predicted at CL3. Is walking up an option if we go before the dinner rush starts?
How long would it take to get appies & milk shakes at Sci Fi? Is it possible to do it as a pretty quick stop?
The day we’ll be there is predicted at CL3. Is walking up an option if we go before the dinner rush starts?
Walk ups are questionable at best. I would not risk it. You could be in and out in 30-45 minutes I would think if you avoid the rush times.
I agree with @AuntB_luvsDisney. The day we went was actually a 3 and they were booked solid with reservations. Any walk ups were automatically placed in the little round tables at the back of the room near the kitchen (not the car tables like reservations), and the wait time for those were like an hour or more.
Just a warning, we were there on a lower crowd level day and had to wait for an hour for our reserved table. We learned (after hearing the 2 hour wait times quoted to walk ups) that the best thing to do it get a reservation. Those tables in the back are where they put walk ups, and there are not that many!
We used reservation finder, and it worked great!
An hour WITH a reservation? Sheesh. What happens if you show up for an ADR and you don’t want to wait that long? Does Disney charge you the no show fee?
I have an ADR for Sci Fi, but we are doing lunch at MM and we can’t do 2 sit downs in one day. Sci Fi looks novel so I wouldn’t mind popping in for milk shakes, but I don’t want to take an hour plus out of the day for it. Maybe I’ll just drop the whole thing.
(ETA: I have the ADR but I’ll probably drop it so we can be flexible.)
I would do Sci Fi over MM any day.
My experience may have been unusual. It was the one and only time we went there! And we did not ask about canceling - we just had a waiter that rushed everything so we could see the Star Wars fireworks. He told us where to stand and everything! (Really just confirmed what Liners had told me.)