Save $250 on Tickets!

Previously I purchased two adult and two child five day Magic Your Way tickets with the water park fun and more option. But now my family is doing a Disney YES class. So I’m looking to transfer the tickets that I already bought. To buy those tickets from Disney right now would cost $1508.04. I’d like to sell them for $1250 to cover the cost of my new tickets and our Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party tickets. If you’re looking for tickets and want to save some cash, let me know. The price is firm, being that it is a good deal and pretty much exactly covers the prices of my new tickets.

I got approval from Len to offer these here to help someone save some money, which he granted because the person whose Disney YES group I am joining is a touringplans staff member. Just FYI. :slight_smile:


Very nice of you. Guessing Disney can’t work with you?

I didn’t ask, but I doubt it.I know what it’s like to go on a budget so I thought I would pass the savings along to somebody. If no ones here wants them I’m certain I can find someone local.

For what it’s worth, I can provide a potential buyer with verification from Disney that the tickets are transferable, upgradable, and have not been used.

I wish we could, but our DD is 15, so we need 3 adult and 1 child ticket. Very generous offer, good luck!

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