runDisneyLAND info released!

I’m anxious to hear how folks did too!

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I made sure I found something to distract me from getting in the queue. I really could not justify spending the money but would have registered if I was on my computer. :rofl:

Crazy registration today. The opened up the registration late and it sold out super fast.


I mean isn’t it always?

I was able to register myself and 3 friends for the 10K! Three of us were all trying to register at the same time, and I’m the only one that got in (but then I was able to register everyone in a stepwise manner). Quite the adrenaline rush. Now the training and costume planning can begin!

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As someone who has never run Disneyland, I don’t understand how this changes things?

Coast to Coast medals

Honestly, when they said that the MW/DLR version would be special, I expecting more than just a shape change.

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One bit of sad, the route doesn’t go through Angel’s Stadium.


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I love how much park running there is in these races. :heart_eyes: I will have to see if I can make a future Disneyland race happen in my life.

Is the dashed line an underground portion?

How do they find the room to start everyone in front of the mini-castle for the 5k?

The look of the coast to coast medal does not float my boat :ship: , but the ability to say I completed such a task would be amazing!

Well, I really do have a problem now…

I could not resist the Haunted Mansion medal. I signed up DD and myself for September on Disneyland!

We will be celebrating DDs high school graduation with a Daddy-Daughter trip and a run through Disneyland.




That sounds amazing, I’m so jealous. My DS9 is definitely not a runner (he HATES it), and DS7 probably won’t be my running buddy due to medical issues (but maybe). I’m holding out hope that DD5 is my runner


Today’s Disneyland Half Marathon 2025 registration was a nightmare! :person_facepalming: The servers just went down in flames!

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