Rumor of Universal Style Lightning Lane Pass at Disney

Blog Mickey rumor post


If it is true, I hope it triples the cost to those buying it and that LLMP is eliminated completely.


Acknowledging the rumor-ness of this…but it sounds like a new tier of pass, not a replacement.

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I both prefer touring at UOR with EP and without to the experience at WDW. With it, it’s a zero stress, zero planning, zero learning system. Without it, I can RD 4-7 solid e tickets in the first two hours.


I hope if they do offer this, it keeps pressure on MP and SP prices down. There are multiple tiers of guests:

  • Tight budget = Standby
  • Moderate budget = MP / SP
  • Loose budget = Premier
  • No budget = VIP

Adding the Premier pass will mostly bump the richer people in the “Moderate budget” up – VIP guests will mostly remain in their lane. That means those who are left in MP / SP will be those who are most sensitive to large price increases. Meaning Disney will have to avoid doing big price increase on that offering for it to remain practical from both a revenue and guest perspective.

Just my initial gut reaction.


Seems reasonable.

My first reaction is that this would drive standby lines even longer…but actually, all I think it will do is drive some folks who use MPLL to pay more for the improved usability. I don’t think it would draw new people to pay for it. Basically puts more money in Disney’s pocket by getting some who currently pay ~$30/day to pay (significantly) more than that.


Yeah I think you’re right.

(Don’t get used to me saying that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Posted the same sentiment on another thread but it applies here. I’m 100% for this if a reasonable % goes back into capex for new, exciting rides and lands.


Interesting that it specifically noted a 2024 launch. I wonder if it will begin in October for the new financial year. I am used to getting things axed just before my October trips (looking at you Lightning McQueen) but I would definitely be interested in utilizing this at MK or DHS.


I’ve never bought a skip the line at any other park because it’s too much money. If you know what you’re doing, you can skip the wait at most premier and moderate attractions at Disney for a fraction of the cost. I hope they keep both systems and would having the new version limit booking availability?


Without details, it is anyone’s guess. But MY guess is that it wouldn’t affect booking too much, since as I mentioned above, I think we’ll just see folks who were going to use LLMP anyhow start using this.

Having said that, these folks will likely get in far more rides than those who pay for LLMP, because they have more easy access. BUT, if they price it high enough, it will probably be like how Express Pass at Universal doesn’t have a significant impact on wait times because not enough people utilize it.


What if the new Premier tier ended up being the system as is, but with built in access to BG1 as opposed to MDE, and you had a direct chat with liners on how to get the next LL?


Anyone else interested in speculating on price? My guess (assuming it includes up to 1 ride on each SPLL and each MPLL) is $200pp-$500pp per day depending on the date.


That’s about what I was thinking. Maybe $189 on a low crowd day. Probably whatever the same range is as Express Pass.

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I agree with this reasoning and hope it is the case Disney will keep both tiers.

I would be suprised if they didn’t have a product that at least lets people ride Tier 2 rides multiple times.

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Yeah, these prices seem right which is why I hope they will keep different options.

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It exists in DLP. It’s called Disney Premier Access Ultimate.

Prices start from 90 euros to 200 euros per day and vary by season and by day.


This seems a sensible move by Disney - easier to use, unlikely to harm standby/cannibalize revenue etc.

But I would have thought it encourages offsite stays - stay somewhere cheaper, use the savings to buy this and have a hassle-free day? Maybe there’ll be limited numbers of passes and only available to onsite guests initially?!

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I would be interested if that was the price, how it would compare for a day of this pass vs. a VIP tour at Universal, specifically at Epic.

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Sometime back when Genie+ was changed, @len mentioned more changes were coming, so I think these rumors are somewhat true. The start of the fiscal year, October 1, seems a little quick for no offical announcement to be made, but with LLMP only being sold 7 days out, Disney still has a couple of weeks to make it public while still prepping potential customers to buy it.

But I still hope it is very high priced…like triple the cost of a daily ticket. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to try to sell LLMP for $30 to only get 3-4 uses out of it, then sell the hassle-free Premiere pass for $100 for nearly every attraction in the park.