Royal Pacific - great experience!

We just came back from an amazing trip and we’re staying at the Royal Pacific. I had read mixed reviews about this hotel, and I’m not sure why because we loved every minute of it. The room was beautiful, comfortable, and convenient to the pool, restaurants and water taxi—we stayed at Tower 3. The service was great and we even got our room at 11 am — as soon as we arrived. The breakfast buffet at Islands was perfect for long days at the park.


I don’t understand why people don’t rate it either.

We’ve stayed there twice and are going back again in July.

It’s one of my absolute favourite hotels :star_struck:

Glad you had a great stay. How was the rest of your trip?


We liked our stay there too! Its large, but not unmanageable! The staff were fantastic amd the rooms quite nice!


Yay! You decided on a some premier resort time for EXP?

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Yes, sorry, I thought I mentioned it already :see_no_evil:
We booked through Travel Republic. They had a rate we were happy with :+1:t4::partying_face:
I probably could’ve got it cheaper using Priceline, but it’s done now and we don’t need to worry about it :smiley:

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You may have somewhere that I missed. Awesome!

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We really enjoyed it too. We did get a room an elevator ride and a tiny walk to the boat ramp, so the size of the place wasn’t a problem for us. I even liked the pool, but then it was the water I liked, which was salt water? Regardless it wasn’t the heavily chlorinated public pool water that I was expecting.

I rank it much higher than Hard Rock, which gets more love.

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