Room request questions!

Hi there! I did the touring plans room request tool. I was wondering if it also helps to fax, email and call? Don’t want to annoy them but really want this room lol! Also have yall had luck with your room request?

Thank you!

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Generally one method is preferred, not because you’re bothering anyone but because if there’s any detail that doesn’t align then they aren’t sure which one to pick.


I’ve had luck when I go to the front desk. I am never bothered by getting a particular room. I generally want to be in a location of the resort more than anything and prefer a 1st or 2nd floor.

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We’ve had great luck with our room requests almost every time, but setting your heart on a specific room is asking for disappointment.


This right here. Asking for a location/building gets me my request every single time thru TP request rather than a specific room.


I think your right. I tend to put a room. But I think next time Im going to skip that amd just put location.

I still choose a room but in the notes I’ll write “While I don’t have a specific room request, I’d like to request a room in Building X to be close to the skyliner. If Building X isn’t available, I’d like a room in building Y or Z”


If we submit a TP room request, I’ve read that we should also check in online and not put any preferences for the room. But should I check-in online before or after the TP request is sent?

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I always check in after. TP sends the room request in 30 days in advance. I don’tcheck in till abouta week before. I don’t think it matters. Just dont put a room request when doing online check in.


I confirm that it doesn’t matter at all, you just need to not make any kind of room request when you check in.

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Thank you. One other dumb question: A TP Room Request recommended text looks like this:
“Beach Club Villas,Flr 1,SW-facing room…Examples…”

If I am seeking floors 2-5, would you expect Disney to understand if I I change that text to say “Flr 2-5” instead of “Flr 1”?

Also, when requesting two rooms near each other, is that best conducted in the TP room request?


I would call guest services with both reservation numbers and request a “travel with” number. That will tell them to put you nearby to one another

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Thx - if I request this over the phone, do I also need to reference that “travel with” number in my TP room request?

I would do, yes.

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I would include it.

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When making each TP room request for our two rooms (connected through “travel with” #), should I put the same room # request for both or use a different room # request for each room (in case I get both, or to offer them an example of distance apart, etc.)?

If I’m understanding the question correctly I would probably do one single room request, put the most desired one first, and then include the second one and the travel with number in the rest of the message