Room request on new website - can't find it on "my trip"

I am trying to do a room request for a DVC trip i scheduled last minute 12/10-12/12. I can’t find it on My Trip - but i that because it’s a last minute trip?

On the touring plans website? Or in My Disney Experience?

Touring plans website

You need to create a trip and enter in your information. TP will not sync to your Disney account.

Go to the touring plans website, dashboard, then “add a plan”

Not a plan, the room finder.

If you’ve got your hotel listed in your trip on the dashboard, the button appears but it doesn’t really stand out so it’s easy to miss.

Well, good catch on my error. Thank you :slight_smile:

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I had a hard time too initially because the new design defaults to the right tab “My Plans” and it took a while for me to realize there was a left tab at all.

And then as Tink said it’s so gray you can hardly see it.

Edit: oh my gosh, I don’t know how I accidentally revived this old post. It was down under the thread I was viewing so I assumed it was new. Sorry!