Room Request Fax (How Much Detail)?

On the Room Request Fax, can we simply enter the building and room number or is all of the other information pertinent as well (direction facing, etc.)?

We have several rooms that would be ideal based on either location or view but the buildings, direction facing, etc. all vary.

Is it okay (and will our “requests” be taken into account) if we just enter the building and room #'s?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

p.s. “requests” as we understand what we would like may not be honored…

I’ve found that briefly explaining WHY you selected those rooms in priority order can help that way if (when) your specific room numbers are not available, they will know to look for others that meet that criteria.

If your reasons vary, however, that would be super complicated I think.

I would decide on a priority list (such as 1) location X; 2) facing this direction; 3) this floor - or whatever) and include that rather than just random room numbers giving them no reasoning for them.