Renting Scooters Offsite vs Renting them at the Park


We are staying at BLT the week before Thanksgiving this year and the grandparents are going. Both will need scooters. I was wondering if it is better to rent the scooters at the park or use an outside company? We do have park hopper options and my concern is getting the scooters from one park to another if we use an offsite company. I know if you rent a scooter at the park, then park hop, you just need to show your receipt at the next park. Any advice or pros/cons would be much appreciated.


It’s better to use an offsite company imo, it can be a long walk just from the bus stop to the park and vice versa, and you’d be able to use it round the resort. Park hopping is easy, buses take 2 ECVs and you are loaded on with family first. Of course with both needing one, you may run into a situation where someone is ahead of you and you have to wait for the next bus.

If you do rent from offsite, I recommend Buena Vista. Great service and they can leave it and pick it up from Bell Services.

I also recommend offsite. Getting scooters on and off the buses is intimidating at first, but the drivers are very helpful (they do it all day every day). I rented scooters offsite with my mother last year, and she just went again this year and rented in park, and she commented how much nicer the scooters we had had were and how slow and clunky the in-park ones were.

Thank you for the feedback. Good point on the long walk from the buses. I’ll check out the Buena Vista. If we happen to run into a situation of waiting on a second bus, my MIL will catch up to us at some point. :joy:

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Thank you for the feedback. Quality of scooter and battery life is a big concern as well.

We’ve only used in-park rentals. DW doesn’t need one around the resorts, but does for a full day of touring. Having one at the resort pretty much guarantees that you’ll have to take a bus everywhere you go. We always drive to WDW, and although I actually prefer taking the bus, DW hates the buses and wants to drive. Of course she does - I drop her off right at the gate and then circle back around to park, but as we have handicapped plates on her car, it’s usually not too bad, especially at RD. We reverse the process when we leave the park.