Redesigned Help/Contact page

We’re redesigning the /contact-us page on the site so that both mobile and desktop users can immediately see the “Submit a Request” link to us for help with the site. Here’s the draft of the new design, in mobile layout:

Let me know how that looks, please. Thank you!


This is much easier to read than the current form.


Definitely better than the current version, but is there a reason to have a button link to another page with the form vs having the form on the contact page directly?

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Thanks @len! Currently a few of us on chat have the direct link to the form saved to share with users. I think @popupcamper shared that was our practice. Can we still do that? Or would you prefer that we share a link to this page when it goes live?

I feel this is out of touch with modern web site design.

Contact pages should be buried and difficult to find, and when you do find it, it gives you limited hours of contact, and a chat feature that doesn’t actually link you to an actual person, but some AI who sends you around in circles…only to suggest you contact them via phone during their business hours…which conveniently aren’t actually NOW.


So, yeah. I like it! :slight_smile:


ROFL :rofl: that’s true.

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In chat we very often get new users who think they’re getting a TP employee and we have to explain we’re customers like they are but we are often pretty helpful. When we can’t help we send them to the submit a request page.


Maybe add to “we welcome feedback, questions, or comments about our book, website or app” something about a touring plan. Most of the questions we can’t help with are because a touring plan doesn’t make sense, or a user is asking about a refund.

I’m thinking "we welcome questions, comments or feedback about our touring plans, books, website or apps. "

I also think questions should be first.

I agree it would be nice if the form was on the page but maybe you are purposely not trying to make it toooo easy.


Oh. You’re right. I’ll disconnect the buttons from any actual logic that does anything. :rofl:


We don’t actually control the form - it’s from Zendesk, our ticket system. And there’s limited customization we can do with it. So this is a first step.


Looks good. Where would it appear in the app? Right now in the app one must click Home icon and then scroll all the way to the bottom to Contact Us. I think it being so buried is why people tend to click on the Chat button and assume they are getting to Customer Service dept instead of to us Disnerds.