Recommend After Hours at MK?

Hello! First time posting here, hope I’m not missing any protocols or anything!

My fiance and I are doing a 10-day, 8-park trip to WDW Jan 27-Feb 7. We both haven’t been since we were kids, but we’re big theme park people and had a great trip to Disneyland last year. We don’t imagine we’ll come back to WDW for at least a good few years after this, so we wanted this trip to hopefully be a “fully satisfied for a while” kinda deal. We’re planning 2 days at each park (roughly), with 2 off-days scattered throughout.

The tricky thing is: we are very much not wanting to overly plan things, besides the dining reservations. We did Genie+ for 1 of the 3 days we had at Disneyland, and we really thought it put a damper on the day. I think it got us a few extra rides in, but we were looking at our phones so frequently that we just weren’t really in the moment as much, and the atmosphere was a bit tainted. We also prefer more of a ‘roam around and discover’ type mentality with theme parks, and not a ‘regimented, goal-oriented’ planning type day, so I’m also very hesitant to stick to a strict touring plan. Again, just puts a bit of a damper on our attitude and ability to relax.

We booked this time of year hoping the crowds would be low enough that we could do things in a more off-the-cuff and relaxed way, but still get on most of the attractions at least once, with hopefully a few repeats of our favorites. Based on what I’ve read, I feel decently confident in our ability to do this at all the parks except Magic Kingdom (although plz lemme know if I’m wrong here). Therefore, I was considering adding on the Feb 1 “After Hours” ticket at MK, to guarantee some extra low-crowd time. However, it is obviously super expensive, and we’d have to do a bit of schedule-shifting at this point, so I’m on the fence.

We are also thinking we may park hop 1 or 2 days, maybe end up doing more like 2.5 days at MK and 1.5 days at either DHS or AK. Just a thought.

Basically, I’m just curious if anyone has any opinions on our overall plan here, and if they’d recommend adding After Hours or not. Any general thoughts/recommendations about our whole trip are totally welcome!

Sorry if this is long, thanks y’all!

  • Evan

My husband and I did the after hours event at MK about 5 years ago and we LOVED it!! It was a stellar evening, low crowds and a great vibe. I would :100: do it again!

Our family did E-Ride Night, which was the predecessor to After Hours (see Mouseplanet - E-Ride Nights by Mike Scopa), and it is one of our favorite memories of being in the Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately what we paid for the entire family to attend E-Ride Night won’t begin to cover one adult at After Hours.

We’ve done several After Hours since they were first introduced and every single MK one has been spectacular! Even the first where our traveling companions wasted 45 mins at Starbucks :woozy_face:

We highly recommend and always do one if it’s offered when we’re there.

Same - we did it in 2017 - so much fun!!

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The price of the After Hours events have grown significantly. Back in 2020, we had originally booked an After Hours event for AK at $79/pp. The existing After Hours events now START at $149 (EP) or $155 (MK/HS)…so basically almost double the price in 3 years. We LOVE the idea of them…but the price point is now very much, “Ouch!”

If you have the money and want to focus on rides & atmosphere, go for it.