Really hot (high 90s) days in the park tips needed

Going with the family over Memorial Day weekend, and I was checking the weather which will be in the high 90s. Starting to scare me. Any tips on how to spend a day at the park without reheating? Cooling towels? Fans? Break outside of the park? Tks

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#1 - Hydrate! Drink as much iced water as you can! All the Coke Freestyle machines scattered all over the parks & in every eatery dispense free ice & water. Take advantage of it. Either bring your own water bottle or get a refillable cup

#2 - I like cooling towels. I’ve tried fans, but I find them bulky & in the way. However, many people swear by them!

#3 - Go back to the hotel from 12-12:30pm - 3p-3:30pm. The sun is at it’s worst from noon - 3pm!!


Quoting to post again. #1 tip.

My second piece of advice is to do the shows and large indoor attractions between 11am and 4pm while the ones with outdoor segments or queues you should do in the early morning/evening.

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We (me, DW, DD then 6 and DS then 4) went in May 2022 when the temp was in the high 90s/low 100s.

DW and the kids used cooling towels and fans and drank lots of fluids. I am generally ok with the heat so I just focused on hydration. We took a resort break for a few hours each day mid-day when the temps were at their peak.

Despite the heat, we had an amazing trip.

Our late June 2022 trip was hot. :fire: :hot_face:

As hot as I’ve been ever at WDW.

Drinking water may not be enough. Smart water or other fluids with electrolytes might be in order. On our June trip I was miserable until I realized I needed to start the electrolytes at breakfast.

I also followed the temperature as it climbed every morning. When the parks opened, the temp was about 75 degrees. Once it got to 88 we started heading towards the park entrance. Usually to go back to our resort and rest. Tho checking out other resorts is a cool thing to do.

We would leave our resort to head back to a park about 4:30. I could notice a definite cooling by 6 pm but that’s not a huge temp difference. Just more tolerable.

We didn’t use fans or cooling towels. On previous trips we’ve used the cooling packs like you see at sporting events, a small size. They’re really helpful on the back of a neck.

I overheat easily. I have started bringing a small hot water bag to the parks. Like the old school kind with a screw off top. You can also put ice in them with a little bit of water and you have an ice pack for the back of your neck or wrists. Its easy to refresh with more ice water. The little 5.5 inch ones take up no room in a purse or back pack but work like a charm.


This is the second time I’ve read about your doing this. I sure hope I remember better. I like reusing. :sunglasses:

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I feel like I need to spread the gospel! The only problem is remebering they set off metal detectors because of the metal ring around the opening.

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Good tip. :medal_sports:

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This for sure, and also agree with this

Electrolytes are essential. Potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Can be in the form of a salty snack.


I am not diabetic. Sometimes a little sugar seems to hit the spot. Like an Arnold Palmer. Too much sugar is crappy, tho.

1 Like (weird link, but it goes to the right item) This collapsible water bottle works in the same way. I bought it to use as a water bottle (which it works well for, as long as you remember to hold it by the middle ring so you don’t squeeze and splash everywhere) but noticed the cold pack side effect when I filled it with ice water.

Oooh - interesting! I can see how that would work too!