Ready to Run...a return to RunDisney races

Dopey Challenge here I come.


Strong work!!!

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Nice run! Make sure you do not peak too early.

Sorry to hear this about your race partner.

FWIW, I developed a calf injury 2-3 months in advance of a marathon a number of years ago. Spent all but the last 2 weeks “running” in a pool. Was able to do the race at a self-respecting pace with only a week of actual running ahead of the event. It took a lot of self-restraint to wait it out (and it was boring as h*** working out in a pool), but it all ended fine. It sounds like your sister’s timing could work out similarly. I hope it does!


Weekly update:

Number of walks = 7
Total distance = 14.48 miles
Total time = 3:43:29

I have not been cleared to do much more than my 30 minutes per day at this point. I have a stress test on Tuesday to see what I am able to cope with. Based on that test, I should get a better handle on how to progress.

Looking into the crystal ball, I can see HR based running in my future.


Weekly update:

3 yogas, 1 walk, 3 runs (30min, 30min, 4mi)

GREAT week. It was a shitty week at work and I needed all of that physical exertion each day. At the same time it was nice to have just 4 miles to do for my “long run”

I got two prizes this week: the motivational shoe tags, and then also I got these for my sister and I:

I can’t even believe it’s week 14; at the same time I know these next weeks are going to FLY BY and with the longer and longer runs coming in I’ll be forced to really really plan my life around my long runs. It’s getting real, y’all. To this point I haven’t gone any distance longer than I was already running. Starting with next week I will; I have run 15 before but not many times before. And 17 will be a new PR distance three weeks from now!


Weekly update: Did my two maintenance runs but the Yankees are in town this weekend so my long run is not happening…which is not good. Will probably try and move it to next weekends and just do long runs on back to back weekends. The race is just 6 short weeks away…and if we by chance go deep in the playoffs fitting in these longer runs are going to be a challenge.


Because you’re watching the game? Because the stadium is on your route and there isn’t another option?

Help me understand LOL Baseball is fantastic, playoff baseball even better. But I fail to see how a game of ball could prevent one from following training.

Oh, sorry…that does sound weird I suppose. I work at Fenway…and we are very, very short-staffed. So I’m at work non-stop when the team is home.

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Ah! That makes 100% sense!

Carry on

And all the more reason I hope those dirty punks get bonked out soon :wink:


My weekly update is that I’m hanging in there. Not my best training cycle ever but my race is next week. I’ll do ok I think. One last long 10 mile long run today then I taper.
It is a new plan that I am trying this time. I think I may do better with the another mother runner plans that I previously used.
One big Q is for marathon weekend, do I eat at Topolinos the night before my half marathon? Or is it way too rich and we should plan it for a different night? But isn’t almost all Disney food rich?


I LOVE their plans.

If you come to a conclusion on this you let me know. I keep going back and forth on it. I’m also considering Trattoria al Forno, Terralina, and am open to other suggestions. We want pasta!

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Yes that makes so much more sense now! Sounds like a cool job! :grinning:

Since I just started I just hit 6 miles yesterday. My knees and ankles in particular especially my right ankle are not happy at me. Maybe I should take NSAID on long run days. Today they feel better except my right ankle. I’m much fatter and older than 1.5years ago when I did this last.

Muscles and heart/breathing are fine. It’s true what they say about once you’ve done this you have muscle memory. I’ve never had joint problems before though.

Also I think I might invest in a water backpack. I wasn’t digging the water belt and how it shifted


Have been taking ibuprofen once on return after long runs

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Also I love my Nathan hydration vest. LOVE

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I might even do it an hour before. It was noticeable on the run. I should prolly lose 15 lbs at least, darn it. That’s how much I’ve gained since covid and what I’m going thru with my DD which makes focusing on what I’m eating so low on my list of priorities but aching joints aren’t fun and I need em to go 20 more miles :wink:

Do you like your water backpack? What brand do you use if so?

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Thanks! You wrote this while I asked. Ha ha

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It’s the nathan vapor Airess

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I have the Nathan vaporhowe vest and love it. I tried different belts but never found one I liked.

Have you also tried any recovery drinks? Tailwind makes a chocolate one that I swear works great.

Then of course… active stretching, foam rolling, etc. some quick foam rolling before a run is actually helpful too.