Wondering what to RD Dec 12 - MVMCP day. TP states a 2 for crowds, so thinking no genie plus needed. Our top priorities for the day are: 7DMT, Space, BTMR, JC - We will do VQ and purchase ILL for Tron in order to try to ride twice. Open to opinions on RD and then where to go next, as well as if you agree on no Genie plus because of projected small crowds due to MVMCP. We are likely not park hopping as have dinner reservations for Skipper Dan’s.

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If you can make it to the front-ish of RD crowd, ride 7DMT, then Space, or position yourself for JC for regular park opening. BTMRR usually has the shortest standby of those rides.

Interrupt these plans to ride Tron with VQ as soon as you can. If you have BG1, they usually call it 15 min into ETPE.

We were in MK on a 2 CL in October (party day). We got G+. G+ has definitely saved us more time on medium snd higher crowd MK days, but we still saved about 20-30 min waiting time on each of BTMRR, SM, HM and meeting Mickey and about 45 min for PP. Was is worth it? It was for us, but really depends on the individual/budget.

Note: We did not RD and arrived at MK around 10:00 am. RD would reduce your wait times for at least 2 rides.


Thanks @davej and @Jeff_AZ ! Very helpful!

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