Which should I RD. We have EE so would be at the Livery Sq rope. I see both suffer from down time at RD. Plan would then be to go to Carpets and PoC use LL for JC and grab next LL for either BTM or HM whichever I didn’t RD.

Do you know at LS if HM will be down?

Curious what people will say. I might rope drop BTM and then move to HM, then continue with the rest of the plan.

However, since Splash isn’t there, it might save more time to have a LL for BTM. It also might be safer in terms of wait time.

I would look into which of these two attractions have an earlier predicted return time, plan to LL the one that’s sooner, and plan to RD the other.

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Makes sense. That’s almost always HM with a sooner return.


Yeah I would RD BTM and LL HM. You could probably do BTM twice or 1 of each standby in not much time too.


Good point. They may want to ride BTM twice. If not back to back we could probably still grab an LL for it later too.

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