Quickest Way to Get from DHS to DTD

What is the fastest way (besides taxi) to get from DHS to DTD? And approximately how long do you think it would take? We have a 5:00 p.m. ADR in DTD at T-Rex on a Monday, and need to put in an ‘end’ time in TP in order to get us to DTD in time.

If we do decide to taxi, how long would you allow?


Check out the OLP Disney Transportation Wizard http://www.ourlaughingplace.com/aspx/twiz.aspx - it is pretty good at determining all the possible options and the time involved.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

We took a taxi from YC (close to DHS) to DTD recently at it was $12.80. Regular old Mears, not Uber. So may be worth it depending on your situation.