I was wondering can anyone provide any insight into the price differences ar various resorts. Contracts ar Boardwalk are 140 plus per point. However at Boulder Ridge around 100.
I think supply and demand is a pretty big factor. Boardwalk has a more desirable location. Boulder Ridge is scheduled for a refurbishment as soon as Saratoga Springs is done, so that might increase the price in a couple years. I think a lot of folks would also rather just buy at Copper Creek for a lot more years remaining in the contract and all the same amenities.
As @melcort10 mentioned, you will pay a premium at Boardwalk because you can walk to two parks and in the non-covid world you would have access to multiple entertainment and food offerings.
BR is much smaller. I think many people buy into Boulder Ridge and Copper Creek hoping to spend holiday at the lodge. That can be very challenging, even at 8am at 11 months.
Another consideration is that BR point charts are aligned to BW garden/Boardwalk views. At Boardwalk you can, at times, stretch your points with the standard view (I would not expect to get a standard view Studio October-December.