Preliminary MNSSHP map photos

I’ll have a full trip (including MNSSHP and the Hallowishes Dessert party) report soon, but here are Q&D photos of the map. Main difference this year is that they axed the Trick or Treat trail between the Circus and Space Mountain, but they replaced it with multi-stop treats inside Pete’s Silly Sideshow (I want to say it was 3-4 treats on each side… we never actually trick or treated back there before, so that may have always been the case).


I can’t wait to read your report - yay!

Last year, we got some really neat MNSSHP only offered food containers. Did you happen to see any of them this year? I believe we got a poison apple mug-thing that was filled with apple cider, and a Zero with light up nose carry container that was filled with popcorn. Both were picked up somewhere between Frontierland and Liberty Square… not too far from the Haunted Mansion and the Country Bears area.

I’m so excited… can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait… yay!

The Zero popcorn bucket was a carry-over from 2014 at least. My son got one 2 years ago.

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