Port Orleans French Quarter Room Question

I have a room only, king bed, reservation for one night, then another reservation for 10 nights, river view, resort package booked at Port Orleans French Quarter. I completely understand that requests are not guaranteed, but requested a corner room/river view on both reservations. I spoke with a CM today and she linked the two reservations, added the room number request I had made, as well as added “continued reservation” to these as well. As I always am, I was very friendly & nice to the CM on the phone.

I am trying to find out if I should leave the river view reservation as is & hope I don’t have to move rooms or change it to king bed room, but run the risk of not getting a river view. The difference is about $200 and if I can stay in the same king river view room for the entire trip, I would have no problem paying the extra $200.

  • Leave River View reservation as is & hope to get room wanted
  • Change River View to King bed & risk not having a river view

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I don’t really understand the situation.

Are there king bed rooms with a river view? And are these corner rooms?

If you’re requesting to stay in the same room but the two room categories are mutually exclusive then your chances are slim to none, because other people will have booked a specific category.

You really need to have both rooms booked in the same category which will give you a good chance of staying in the same room.