Polynesian Boat Plan (or Pain)

Greetings, all. On an upcoming MK day, we have a dinner reservation at Kona Cafe in the Polynesian resort, where we are not staying. We thought we might move our car there from the TTC, eat, then take the boat back to MK for more touring. At close (11pm), we would then have the (presumably shorter) boat line to the Polynesian to wait in, rather than the mammoth monorail line to the TTC.

Is this a good idea?

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The ferry can transport waaaaaay more people than the smaller resort boats. It will probably waste more time to move the car and wait on the smaller boat vs take the ferry or monorail to ttc. You can also walk very easily between Poly and ttc.


I agree. I would walk from the Poly to the TTC.


Thank you!

Does Disney still run both the “local” and “express” monorail lines at closing? And, if so, is the resort loop typically a shorter line? It’s been a long time since we’ve done this.


In my experience there are so many crowds at closing that it can be hard to break away to the resort specific transport as the herds are moving toward the TTC transport (monorail and ferry). But they do run both at closing, I believe.

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Years ago the resort monorail was much less crowded than the express at park closing. In my experience, that is no longer true.


Not sure what your plans are in the morning, but you could do breakfast at grand Floridian or Polynesian then go to MK (via walkway, monorail, or boat). I imagine you’d be able to park there for the day if you are doing breakfast there.


Reports are that at least for GF, dining reservations must park in a new lot across the street.


I have had some very long waits for the Polynesian resort boat at the end of the night. So it can definitely backfire.

The walk from TTC to Polynesian is very easy!