Poly Tower to be part of EXISTING condo association

Just announced at the condo association meeting today


Yes! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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I still have no regrets on my BCV contract, but this makes decisions interesting.

These points are going to fly.


Oh that’s not good for me to read because now I might need to buy there :sweat_smile:


Some say resale price will go down when Disney starts to sell direct points. IF this is the case, I’ll buy Poly points. If not, I can’t decide where to buy. But I know I want a 100 point contract and soon. Larger accommodations are desirable for DH and I.

Does this mean resale DVC owners could, in theory, book there as well? No silly Riviera-style restrictions?


Unless they put a specific restriction on it. I’ve read a couple articles and haven’t seen that mentioned at all.

Do you already have points in a different contract? I ask because I will tell you that 100 points does it go near as far as you think it will, especially if you are looking at larger accommodations. We have 300 points total now and that’s just about right. Though I will say that we’re now in a borrow situation After this last big trip where we stayed in a two bedroom for longer than we normally would.


Not unless you bought your contract before January 2019. After January 2019 you can only book at the original 14. Oh, but Poly was an original 14 wasn’t it?Hmmm… can you book at grand Floridian?

Yes- you should be able.to book there, just like you can book at Poly now!


I do not. But I really, really want a BW contract. But with the near expiration I don’t want a large contract. I have my eye on 2. But that’s a January decision when I get my bonus.
But I also want Poly points. I was waiting to see what’s going on with the new tower. Not buying direct and studios only are an issue. So as long as resale points can book at the new tower, I’m poised to buy Poly points in the second half of this year (hopefully).

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I assume so? It is probably one of the last places I would care to, so never thought about it!

Poly, perhaps…but it is an original 14. Point charts are the main stopping point I think.

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I don’t think that will be better after the tower :rofl::rofl:

Oh! I thought Disney would make things cheaper. Huh. Weird. :laughing:

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You know, maybe they will!

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Ha! I actually live about 35 miles from there!