Podcast the Ride - CityWalk Saga


I’ve been listening to a comedy podcast since 2018 called Podcast the Ride. It’s 3 improve actors / comedians / show creators that use their love of themed attractions as a basis for larger discussions & fun

You will not find any “news” here. However, you’ll get big name actors, Imagineers and other podcast hosts you may know.

In 2018 the did “The CityWalk Saga” a 19-part daily series reviewing ALL the shops & attractions at CItyWalk Hollywood. You might ask “Why???”… well… The did it to free the soul of a little boy who died due to playing in the fountains & got a staph infection! :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

They later went on to do the “Downtown Disney Ordeal” once again helping our little friend…

After nearly 4+ years of waiting & promises they are doing CityWalk Orlando…

This may or may not be the “best” place to start a new podcast, but it’ll give you a good idea what these guys do. They are genuine “good boys” who love these places,

If interested here’s the link their show and to the new saga “CityWalk Orlando - The Malltaverse of Madness”

It’s my favorite podcast. If you really want a good entry point here’s the episode with @len


Thanks, ill give it a listen. New UOR podcast content is good to find! Most “scheduled” stuff these days is pretty recycled.

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I suggest going back into thier catalog and finding a Universal ride you like as a topic. They did good episodes on Spider-Man and E.T.

Just remember it’s a comedy podcast! They may go off on a tangent that’s totally unrelated to a theme park for 30+ minutes!!

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It took until ep 3. Sector whaterever until i found the groove! :rofl: i like the humor! Ill go back and check out the older eps. I can see where nostalgia will help with those. Thanks @darkmite2

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If you really want to go back in the catalog, IMHO, they hit their stride on March 2018 and go from there. Their very first ones are cute as they try to figure out what the show is about. These in 2018 are after they’ve been on for a year or so

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I’m going to check this podcast out! Speaking of podcasts… I’m sure you’ve made a list before but I can’t find it. What Universal podcasts do you enjoy most? I mostly listen to ones that involve HHN, honestly. I’ve listened to these:

Discover Universal (generic stuff… mostly like it for the HHN stories)

UUOP (I never learn anything major on this one… I just like to hear people discuss Universal. However I often think their episodes are way too long)

Fear and Beer: A Halloween Horror Nights Podcast

HHN 365

Rush of Fear HHN podcast

The RIP tour

I hope you like it. Just don’t go into it thinking it another “news & updates” show. It’s really more the hosts - who are actors / comics - who are as obsessed with this stuff as we are.

I’d suggest finds a episode that is about a ride / attraction you like - such as Hagrid’s. Or look to see if you know any of the guests they have on.Some are TV stars or writers and many are from other famous comedy podcasts.

As far as UOR podcasts the only one I listen to anymore is “Theme Park Stop” by Alicia Stella. She’s THE authority on everything UOR.

I have been enjoying the new Universal podcast by Jim Hill from Disney Dish - “Epic Universal Podcast”. They’re always like 2+ weeks behind on “news”, but Jim does have some theme park history stories he tells.

I was a UUOP listener for a year or so, but they are habitually so inaccurate about A LOT of really basic info. I know they live in England, but they should do even a little homework. Even their local co-hosts are often wrong about things. Plus, they are constantly “selling” their own Meet & Greets - which I find annoying. Promote at the start & maybe the end of the show, but not every 5 minutes!

I LOVE the HHN Discover Universal Podcasts. I follow Rob Bloom, Universal Creative Director. I confirmed with him that they will be doing the HHN house stories again this year!!!

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