Please help me decide

Our upcoming trip is the last week in May. I am absolutely dreading the heat so I’m thinking about allowing the grandchildren to swim during the day, rest, and then hit the parks say about 4 until closing. Do the crowds thin out a bunch after 4? Hoping for some extended evening hours as well. If not, maybe we’ll do rope drop until noonish, swim, and go back in the evenings. Any recommendations are appreciated! The boys are 8 and 10 if that helps.

This has worked well for us in the past when it’s hot.

I’ve been once in May and we thought the weather was lovely. Cool(ish) in the mornings and evenings.


Thank you!

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We will also be in the World end of May, May 30 to June 3. We don’t do as well in the heat but this was the best time for us to go. We are planning to go to the parks two evenings and then two mornings. We are definitely going to make some time for the pool this trip.


Thank you! Trying to figure a schedule. On our first day, we’ll leave straight from MCO to go to MK and so far, that’s the only schedule I know!!!

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Maybe try planning a mix of …


In term of your question of …

From my experience the crowds get a bit lower in the late afternoon and continue to get lower in the evening, but the parks still much more crowded from 4:00 pm - 10:00ish pm than they are for the first hour after RD.

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Thanks so much, I appreciate your insight!

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I had a longer June trip in 2021 and we’d rope drop until lunch. I’d be completely sticky so we’d go back to the room and some days we’d swim some days shower and tv or nap and then we’d go back at 6pm for dinner and stay till close. This worked for me except that I’d be wearing two outfits a day and had to do laundry!

I had another August trip with son in 2021 and we did sorta what you’re talking about. This was a short weekend and it was very very uncrowded cuz there was the delta outbreak (14 min standby wait for SDD in the normal line as this was before they introduced LL). But we just went to the park at 5 and stayed till close on DHS day and we RD’d on Epcot day and finished in the afternoon. It was really really hot that day but thankfully those attractions are all indoors so it’s just getting between them. This also helped avoid heat and I swam during the day. (The weekend we went in August was literally on the hottest day of the year).

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I usually do laundry on our trips because I hate doing it when we get home. That said, this trip is shorter so I might have to skip it.
Thanks for sharing your experiences!


At Animal Kingdom YES, they do have less crowds by 4:00. For many people they do the park in the morning and are out of there before 4:00. At HS, EP, and MK…I think they don’t thin out as much due to having people there waiting for fireworks/fantasmic. Doing rides during and after these events (if the park is still open) usually means shorter lines. The extra hours at MK and EP should definitely have shorter lines and also have an extra VQ you can use!

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Best of luck and I wish you abnormally pleasant temps like SoCal ones! I’m going to Disneyland in may and it’s much more pleasant looking than Florida! Lol. I think from now on cali for spring thru fall and WDW for winters. lol.

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Thank you -good to know this abut Animal Kingdom!

Amen on the temps being lower - fingers crossed. We live in south Louisiana and the walk from my house to the car - about 20 ft- feels like a walk through a hot dripping wet steam room in late May.

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Texas so I feel ya! I don’t go outside in August. :joy:

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