Please help decide 6-day base vs 4-day base magic ticket

Trip date 4/7 (arrival 8:30am) - 4/13 (departure 6:30pm). A mom + a 9-year boy. First timer to WDW and flight a long way from Seattle. Probably need to wait 2-3 years to visit again after this April trip because (1) expensive; (2) school breaks always crash with major holidays.

Given the length of the trip, 6-day ticket is more fun. But 4-day magic ticket saves me $480 (2-person together)! Should I book 4-day magic ticket and pool some of the savings to Uber and ILL to recover lost time?

So annoyed by WDW releasing deal so close to my trip date :(. Anyone is in the same boat?


Prior to the 4 park magic deal, were you planning on more park days, or repeating any parks? Note that the 4 park magic ticket only allows 1 day at each park so no repeats. (I wonder how the system will work on entry to verify with no APRs??) This is how we normally visit anyway (1 day each park, only did extra visits to MK for parties the last 2 trips), but weren’t sure if you had planned a second day anywhere / skipping a park, or more days in general.

Not going to anywhere else (like Universal). Will stay entirely within WDW area. No rental. All Uber or Disney buses.

An original plan is to visit one of the parks each day with 6-day ticket. Probably repeating MK and EP. I am terrified by heat and will always take break in hotel during 2-4pm, even for park day. If 4-day base, I need to plan 1.5 day hotel only and 1.5 days in Disney Springs.

Where are you staying and what was your week plan?

As much of a savings as $480 is… having a couple more park ticket days is kind of an insurance policy for being able to do half days and calling it quits to swim, or repeat parks, or go on arrival day/departure day given the timing of your flights. With just you and a 9 yo, to me the 6 day ticket just gives you more options without the pressure of having to maximize your one and only day in a given park. If you know you want a down day, get a 5 day ticket and let your son pick his fave park to repeat.

My sister and I have a May trip planned. We’re going to do fewer park days but get park hopper tickets.

If you get a 4 day park hopper you get 4 “plusses”.

These are either 18 hole mini golf (4 x 18 if you want) or a water park (or 4 trips to water park) or even 9 hole regular golf. Or mix it up.

We’re planning at least 2 park rest days but doing mini golf and probably a meal at a resort.

I would personally do 6 days if it is feasible. I always travel alone with my kiddo too. I suspect you will be grateful for the extra days. As much as you can save time here and there with ride share and ILL, you can’t make up for a whole extra day or two of magic that way. We did 6 park days on our first trip to WDW together in 2020 when my kid was 7 and it was perfect. So much so that we have been back 7 or 8 times together since.


If you are trying to do “everything” because its a first trip and you don’t plan on going back soon and you are committed to a 2 hour break everyday, I would get the 6 day ticket. If you are going to pick and choose attractions and aren’t trying to hit everything you would probably be ok with the 4 day. Unless you’re doing EEH or other extra night hours, I think it would be tough to get everything done with just 1 day at each park with the breaks.


You’re right to the point.

My left brain says it’s a vacation! Take it easy and don’t do everything. My right brain keeps rolling G+, RS, EEH (I have one EEH at MK on Wed), rope drop and etc… I am making myself crazy and thus I am a very qualified first timer :joy:

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I just came back from a 10 day trip with 5 park days and a few rest days. My regret is not doing more park days. I would have loved one or two shorter park days to do our fav rides again. I suggest the 6 day ticket and then you won’t feel so rushed.

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I concur with the 6-day suggestions here. You have more flexibility to relax each day and not feel like you’ve missed something if you don’t get to it in the one day you’ve allotted to each park.

As this part of your question has not been addressed I will say that even at 9 yo, lasting memories can be difficult. If the two of you use the bus time to discuss your experiences the ride is not lost time. And the discussions may help with long term memories. Which is why you’re making the trip.

Our extended family have always used Disney transport, as I know @WakandaForever has as well.

We’ve had memorable experiences on busses.


Thank you everyone for your suggestions. After discussing with my son, we’ve decided to have a relaxed vacation and changed to the ticket of 4-day magic PLUS water park! My son is a huge fan of any water park, and with 4-day limit, we have a “good” reason not going to park daily.

Now I have to revise the entire plan as we are going to water park on arrival day! If my math is correct, whatever savings of this ticket change is, I would have to give them all back to WDW for G+ :joy:.


I looked extensively at wait times for rides for our May trip

Keeping in mind that my sister and I have been to the World plenty.

We’ve decided we don’t need to experience again the headliners. We don’t care for lines/crowds more than we like the headliners - when they work !

Also, rides are getting tougher on older bodies so we’re happier with an ice cream on a bench or watching the gorillas or just enjoying the hijinks at a character restaurant.

Our May trip will be an experiment in avoiding both lines and paying extra.

Here’s hoping Disney G+ doesn’t get all your savings while you both have a memorable time. :star_struck::heart_eyes::sunglasses:

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May is a low-crowd month and you will surely have a blast! I am still qualified for Wed EEH. I will try my best at getting TRON for “free” :hugs: