Planning for an After 5 visit

I just need a little help deciding what to accomplish when my nephew comes up to see us next month while we are at GFV.
He will be arriving Tuesday afternoon, and I have an after 5 ticket (one park) for him, as well as a park hopper for the next day. He will have to drive home Wednesday, and his drive is 2.5-3 hr so I don’t have an approximate time he plans on leaving, but he won’t be staying Wednesday until park close. With that in mind, what of the two scenarios seems to be a better plan
Scenario 1:
Tuesday: Stack G+ for Magic Kingdom for after 5 pm, and watch fireworks from main street
Wednesday: Attempt a rope drop at HS (not sure how he is in the AM?), hop over to Epcot, and possibly to AK (or MK)

Scenario 2: Tuesday - G+ for HS and stack rides after 5 pm
Wednesday: Rope drop MK hop to Epcot, then to AK if time.

Either way I know he’s not going to see everything I want to show him, so as far as rides go we will be focusing on the Best of the Best
SM,Tron,HM,BTMR,Poc,IASW, ToT, SDD,ROTR, MMRR, Soarin, GOTG, and hopefully FOP and EE

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Give your list for attractions, I would go with Scenario 2 (and also plan to skip AK).

I also like scenario 2, stacking for HS to enter after 5pm on day 1, use rope drop next morning for MK

Definitely #2 with that ride list. I think HS is miserable to rope drop bc lines build so quickly.

My instinct says # 2 but my heart says Happily ever After is something that is a must do for a first timer


HEA is great, but I enjoy Fantasmic more than HEA. And having a seat in an outdoor stadium vs standing shoulder to shoulder in a massive crowd is nice too.