Planning a 2 week holiday

I’m looking at planning an extended 13-night trip next month. We will be traveling with 2 kids (4 and 20 months) so we need a break everyday (staying at Coronado and having a car).

I typically go to a park in the morning and a park in the afternoon, is there an easy way to do this in Touring Plans which takes into account multiple days and multiple parks? Or even multiple parks in a single day?

Does anyone have any tips for creating these plans at the moment I am working my way through 24 plans (morning/afternoon for each day).


Welcome to the forum! Unfortunately there isn’t an easy way to create plans for multiple parks in the same day. I will say though that with your amount of time, it will be less critical to have a set touring plan for each day. If it were me, I would probably create some plans to make sure that I am getting to what I want to do but then leave the other days as flexible, no plan days.


You will have to create a seperate TP for each leg of a park. At that age, 2 parks in a day would be more than enough- especially with a break mid day. 4 hours from park exit to next park entrance should be alloted. It’s amazing how much time it takes to do that.

You are right it isn’t as critical and as seasoned WDWers (first time with kids) we are just happy to wander along and let them explore.

But I’m also going with my parents and my sisters family which will likely be their only trip in a long time and they want to make sure everything is ticked off.

Currently I’m planning a few rest days, a very slow first few days and a 3/4hr break (leave park 1, enter other park 4) to get some food/catch the nighttime shows.

We effectively have the equivalent of 1 full day in each park (2 mornings plus an evening).

I will continue creating a touring plan for the whole day, and only do the morning. Taking what has been missed and putting it in again for the next day.

Does touring plans have an API?

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